
The Colonel Hardy Murfree Chapter, NSDAR, meets the 2nd Thursday of the month September – May. Please Contact Us for more detailed information.

2020-2021 Colonel Hardy Murfree Chapter, NSDAR Programs

September 10, 2020
Theme: American Heritage; American History; DAR Genealogy Preservation; Genealogical Records
Program: “Surprise! You Have a Supplemental”
Speaker: Karen Maynard, Chapter Outstanding Junior and Chapter Historian

October 8, 2020
Theme: DAR Schools
Program: “School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days”
Speakers: Lynn Clayton, DAR Schools Chapter chair, Marzee Woodward, Karen Hudson

November 12, 2020
Theme: American Indians
Program: “Bacone College”
Speakers: Julia DeHart and Evelyn Kingsley, American Indians Chapter Co-Chairs

December 10, 2020
Theme: American Heritage/American History/ Commemorative Events/Historic Preservation
Program: “A Colonial Christmas”

January 14, 2021
Theme: Conservation
Program: “The Wonders of our Natural World”
Speaker: Randy Hedgepath, State Naturalist

February 20, 2021
*Saturday meeting
Theme: American Heritage/ American History/ Commemorative Events
Program: George Washington’s Birthday celebration

March 11, 2021
Theme: American History/ Americanism/ National Defense
Program: “Hidden Heritage- My Parents’ Love for the United States”
Speaker: Carol Reeder

April 8, 2021
Theme: American Heritage/ American History/ DAR Service for Veterans
Program: “Quilts of Valor”
Speaker: Andrew Lee, Soldier and Quilter

May 13, 2021
Theme: American Heritage/ Historic Preservation
Program: “Off the Wall”- members to bring historical/ family mementos to display with a card explaining what it is and why it is meaningful

June 10, 2021
Theme: Flag of the United State of America, Americanism, American Heritage
Program: “Patriotic Music”
Speaker: Cecile Wimberley, State Regent