Application Process

There are DAR volunteers in chapters throughout the country provide guidance and assistance with the entire application process. Admission to membership in the National Society is either through an established chapter or as a Member-At-Large.

If you’re looking to join a chapter please contact us. You’ll hear from our registrar, who will ask you a few questions about your lineage.

If you have completed research on your lineage, our registrar asks that you please collect it and keep it together in a safe place. She will want to review with you each proof source for birth, marriage, and death, in addition to the proof of your patriot’s service.

If you have not completed research on your lineage, don’t worry! DAR registrars and volunteer genealogists are available to guide you through the process and do what they can to help you find the proof you need to join.

Still confused? Overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start? Email us.