Awards and Contests
The Tennessee Society
DAR sponsors contests
and awards for students
and community leaders.
To encourage the promotion of historic preservation, education, and patriotism, DAR established a variety of contests and awards. These awards are presented to recognize and encourage the efforts of deserving individuals who have unselfishly contributed their time and talents in service to their local communities. Award recipients demonstrate outstanding qualities of leadership, service, patriotism, or dedication to educational pursuits and are open to the public.
American History Essay Contest
An annual essay contest established to encourage young people to think creatively about American history. All students in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 in a public, private, or parochial school, or those who are homeschooled are eligible.
DAR Good Citizens
An award and possible scholarship opportunity for high school seniors who possess the qualities of good citizenship.
Junior American Citizens
All students are invited to get involved in this program that promotes good citizenship and appreciation of American history.
Tennessee History
An annual contest with a theme relevant to Tennessee history.
This contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our state’s history. Each academic year, a unique poster theme is chosen and guidelines are made available.
- Open to grades 4, 5, 6, and 7.
- Entries are judged by grade level.
- Additional rules and guidelines can be found by contacting your local TSDAR chapter.
Chapter winners are judged on the district level, and district winners are recognized at the state level.
Teacher of
American History
The Outstanding Teacher of American History contest honors notable full-time teachers of history (and related fields such as social studies, government, and citizenship education) in public, private, and parochial schools, grades 5-12. These teachers have demonstrated excellence in
- Readily sharing an incisive knowledge of American History.
- Being committed to their students.
- Fostering a spirit of patriotism and loyal support of our country.
- Relating history to modern life and events.
- Requiring high academic standards at all times from their students.
A chapter selects and honors an Outstanding Teacher of American History in the local community. The chapter winner’s dossier is submitted to the state historian so that the state society can select and honor a state winner. The state winner is eligible to participate in the NSDAR national competition. State winner dossiers are forwarded to the historian general who arranges for three non-DAR judges to select the national winner. The Office of the Historian General will mail letters to the national first, second, and third place winners during the first week of April.
Community Leaders
Outstanding Junior Member
The Outstanding Junior Member contest, begun in 1963, honors young women who have truly promoted the goals and purposes of the National Society and have participated in community activities.
Community Service Awards
Community Service Awards are presented to local citizens who have made outstanding achievements in cultural, educational, humanitarian, patriotic, and citizenship work in their communities.