Emily Robinson, State Regent
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The Ann Robertson Chapter presented the Tennessee state project, Patriots to Pioneers: The First Tennessee Volunteers, to Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park, East Tennessee State University Library, ETSU Archives of Appalachia, Boones Creek Historic Trust, Providence Academy, Jonesborough Public Library, and Science Hill High School Library. Thank you for spreading the stories of our patriots and the American Revolutionary War across our state!#todaysdar #TodaysDaughters #VolunteerHeartsInAction #revolutionarywar #americanrevolution #America250 #TNSocietyDAR
#OnThisDay in 1774, delegates to the First Continental Congress met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia to discuss how to respond to the British government after the blockade of Boston Harbor by the Royal Navy and the passage of the Intolerable Acts. Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies (Georgia did not send delegates) adopted the Continental Association, a proposal for trade boycott on British goods, and the Declaration and Resolves. They also drew up a petition to the King asking to repeal of the Intolerable Acts. #America250 #todaysdar #TodaysDaughters #americanrevolution #revolutionarywar #americanhistory #TNSocietyDAR
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